Introducing The Video Player!
Action | Key |
Play / Pause | K or space |
Mute / Unmute | M |
Select next subtitles | C |
Select next audio track | A |
Show slide in full page or toggle automatic source change | V |
Seek 5s backward | left arrow |
Seek 5s forward | right arrow |
Seek 10s backward | shift + left arrow or J |
Seek 10s forward | shift + right arrow or L |
Seek 60s backward | control + left arrow |
Seek 60s forward | control + right arrow |
Decrease volume | shift + down arrow |
Increase volume | shift + up arrow |
Decrease playback rate | shift + comma |
Increase playback rate | shift + dot or shift + semicolon |
Seek to end | end |
Seek to beginning | beginning |
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HLS video stream
You can use an external player to play this stream (like VLC).
HLS video streamWhen subscribed to notifications, an email will be sent to you for all added annotations.
Your user account has no email address.
Information on this media
This tutorial you will learn how to use the Video Player:
- Control bar
- Seekbar
- In player functions
- Sidebar
- Timeline
- Adding annotations (Activity, Attachment, Chapter)
- Filters
- Annotation widget
- Built-in annotations
- Slides
- Search
- Share
- Download links
Textual transcription
Annotation: synchronized element (can be a question, resource, private note, ...)
Editorial annotation: annotation that can only be added/edited by a user with editing permissions
Social annotation: annotation that can be added by any viewer (e.g. viewer)
Timecode: moment in the video where an element should be displayed (annotation, slide, ...)
Timestamp: moment when a user added an element
Seekbar: the location where you click to seek to a location in time manually, and indicates buffering
Marker: vertical coloured bar that represents an annotation placed in time
Control bar: location where basic controls are displayed (play/pause/fullscreen...)
Sidebar: panel located to the right of the player which contains tabs (timeline, slides, info, search ...)
Activity: synchronized overlay that pauses playback and gets displayed over the whole player; it can be an external widget (e.g. embedded youtube video) or a poll
Widget: external widget available through the "widgets" tab (e.g. twitter embed)
Timeline: tab that contains all annotations
Filter: settings that allow a u